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The evolution of Internet and Web authorization

The evolution of Internet:-

                  If we think about when the internet, we have been using it in a mass for only couple of years, but the origins of Internet date back almost 40 years ago in 1969. It was funded my the U.S military to be a research network. It was developed in USA but later, this network was distributed across the globe. Since then, the Internet has revolutionized the computers and communication like it was no one's business. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. The Internet is our digital information superhighway which we use so ubiquitously today. The term “online” has become synonymous with the Internet. We are actually almost always online and sometimes we are not aware of it. This is because of the transparency in service that Internet Service Providers (ISP) and cellular phone providers have given us.
The Internet has come a long way since it became a part of our day-to-day lives. Gone are the days of the Information Superhighway and - uh-oh - ICQ. Now we can ingest an entire series of a primetime drama in a single weekend (thanks, Amazon and Netflix) and video chat in real time with our family across the country (hello, Skype and FaceTime). GEICO knows this evolution intimately-we were the first to offer 24-hour phone service, and now we have the number one rated mobile app in the industry.

The evolution of Web authorization:-

            Authorization is the permission to use an information or any other data from a person/organization/etc. On the internet, a web authorization is seeking permission to open a website/page which requires to buy a domain and follow the rules. A web authorization will secure your page from hacker, which was very weak when it all started but now a days the authorization in legit.


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